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McNitt’s Nursery and Greenhouse: A Blossoming Legacy

March 14, 2024

From Orchard to Greenhouse

In the picturesque town of Carbondale, Illinois, a remarkable story unfolds—a tale of passion, transformation, and vibrant blooms. Martin and Dolores, originally hailing from Colorado, embarked on an adventure that would forever alter the landscape of their lives. In 1987, they purchased a sprawling 138-acre orchard in Carbondale, IL. The orchard, once thriving, had gradually lost its productivity over the years.

But Martin and Dolores were not content with the status quo. Their vision extended beyond the apple trees and sun-kissed fields. Inspired by their love for plants and a desire to cultivate something magical, they set their sights on a new endeavor: a greenhouse.

The Birth of McNitt Growers

In 1991, the first greenhouse sprouted on their orchard. Its glass panes caught the sunlight, and within its walls, seedlings unfurled delicate leaves. Martin and Dolores poured their hearts into this venture, transforming the old orchard into a haven of greenery. Their modest 10,000 sq ft greenhouse soon expanded, blossoming into a 1.2-acre wholesale and retail facility.

A Symphony of Colors

Each spring, McNitt’s Nursery and Greenhouse bursts forth with an array of vibrant blooms. Their plant list evolves each year, ensuring a fresh palette for garden enthusiasts. If you have questions about specific plants, don’t hesitate to reach out—they’re passionate about helping you create your own floral symphony.

The Strawberry Connection

But McNitt’s isn’t just about petals and leaves. They’ve also become the largest strawberry plug nursery in Illinois. Since 1992, they’ve specialized in growing fall-produced strawberry plug plants for farms across the country. Varieties like Chandler, Camarosa, Sweet Charlie, Camino Real, Fronteras, Ruby June, Albion, and San Andreas find their roots here.

A Family Legacy

In 2009, the reins of McNitt Growers passed to Andy, who purchased the greenhouse from his parents. What began as a small-scale venture has flourished into a 1.4-acre greenhouse operation. Their commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and the joy of nurturing life continues to thrive.

Blooms Beyond Borders

With 80 wholesale customers spanning up to 3 hours away, McNitt’s Nursery and Greenhouse extends its reach beyond the rolling hills of Southern Illinois. Their reputation resonates not only locally but also across state lines—Missouri, Kentucky, and Indiana all bear witness to their excellence.

So, the next time you wander through a garden, remember the legacy of Martin, Dolores, and Andy—their love for greenery, their dedication to growth, and the vibrant petals that dance in the Illinois breeze.

For more information, visit McNitt Growers’ website


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